Many of our advanced facilities are available to both the 精东 communities and external users on a cost basis. These include characterization tools for structural, surface, optical, and chemical analysis.
Description of the lasers, including specifications, available through the Applied Research Center
The goal of this project is the development of a spark-assisted laser multicharged ion (MCI) deposition and implantation system capable of generating highly charged ions with ion charge and energy selectivity and multi-elemental capability.
Thin Film Fabrication assets of the Applied Research Center including RF/DC Sputtering System and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Specifications for Photoluminescence, UV-Vis Spectrometer, and the Optical/Dark Field Microscope
Specifications for the semiconductor device analyzer and four point probe.
Specifications for Surface Characterization, Structural Characterization, Time-Resolved Electron Diffraction, Rapid Thermal Processing, Probe Station, Glove Box, Reactive Ion Etching, Spin Coater, Mask Aligner and Solar Simulator