Core Faculty
Michel Audette, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Medical image analysis, surgical image guidance, interactive and predictive surgery simulation, surgical robotics navigation, musculoskeletal applications (orthopedics, geriatrics), neurosurgical applications, physiology simulation applications, computer vision.
Keerthi Nawarathna, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Old Dominion University
Research interests: Biosensors, Microfluidics, Biomanufacturing of therapeutics cells, Biomedical instrumentation, and Biomedical signal processing.
Khan Iftekharuddin, Ph.D.
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Vision Lab
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs
Old Dominion University
231C Kaufman Hall
Norfolk, Virginia 23529
757-683-3752 Lab
757-683-4967 Office
757-683-3220 Fax (email)
Research interests: Intelligent systems and reinforcement learning; computational modeling and medical image analysis; bioinformatics approach to genotype and phenotype brain tumor analysis and image processing; sensor signal acquisition and modeling; optical computing; automatic and biologically-inspired target recognition.
Chunqi Jiang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
4211 Monarch Way, Norfolk, VA 23508
Tel: 757-683-7061
Research interests: Non-equilibrium plasmas for biomedical and dental applications; Plasma and chemical diagnostics - laser spectroscopy and other optical spectroscopy; Nanosecond pulsed power technology for plasma and biomedical applications
Venkat Maruthamuthu, PhD
Associate Professor
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
238 Kaufman Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Mechanical forces and physical constraints in cell function, cell adhesion in the micro-environment.
Stacie Ringleb, PhD
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
238C Kaufman Hall
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
(757) 683-5934 (office)
(757) 683-5344 (fax)
Research interests: Orthopedic biomechanics, human performance, virtual reality rehabilitation, rehabilitation engineering
P. Thomas Vernier, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23508
Research interests: Nanoscale membrane biophysics; physiology of cells under perturbative stress (electrical, chemical, thermal, mechanical); modulation of immune response with sublethal stimuli; multiscale modeling of membranes, cells, and tissues in permeabilizing electric fields.
Willy Wriggers, PhD
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
238 Kaufman Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Multiscale biomedical modeling software, statistical sampling of molecular dynamics, trajectories, simulated folding, prediction of large scale domain movements of biomolecules
Shu Xiao, PhD
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Norfolk, VA 23508
Phone : (757) 683-2408
E-mail :
Research interests: Pulse power for wound healing, neuron-muscular research, development of ultrawideband antennas for delivery of electromagnetic pulses for the diagnostics and treatment of internal tumors.
Joint Faculty
Nancy Xu, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Old Dominion University
4541 Hampton Boulevard
Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0126
Office phone: 757-683-5698
Lab phone: 757-683-4104
Fax: 757-683-4628
Research interests: Bionanotechnologies and ultrasensitive analytical methods to study nano and life sciences, bio-inspired smart molecular sensors for effective disease diagnosis and therapy.
Affiliated Faculty
Sebastian Bawab, PhD
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
238f Kaufman Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Kinematics and dynamics, design, CAD, product development, stress analysis, bioengineering, and simulations.
Oktay Baysal, Ph.D,. P.E., Fellow ASME
Professor & Eminent Scholar
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering (joint appointment)
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Microfluidics, Computational Fluid Dynamics & Aeroacoustics, Design Optimization & Sensitivity analysis, High Speed & Unsteady Flows
Stephen Beebe, PhD
Research Professor
Frank Reidy Center for Bioelectrics
300 4211 Monarch Way
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Use of nanosecond pulsed electric fields to understand cancer mechanisms and applications for cancer therapy, biochemistry and molecular and cell biology of cAMP signal transduction
Robert Bruno, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Molecular Diagnostics Graduate Program
School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
Old Dominion University
Health Sciences Building Room 3108
Norfolk, VA 23529
office: 757-683-7091
fax: 757-683-5028 (email)
Research interests: Stem cell biology and microenvironmental control of cell fate determination in development and tumorigenesis; cellular reprogramming and regenerative medicine; the role of non-random chromatid segregation in asymmetric cellular divisions.
Andrey Chernikov, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Engineering & Computational Sciences Bldg
Suite 3311A
Old Dominion University
4700 Elkhorn Ave
Norfolk, VA 23529, USA
Research interests: Image analysis in medical and bio-material modeling and simulation, parallel computational geometry with a focus on quality mesh generation, high-performance scientific computing.
Nikos Chisochoides, PhD
Richard T. Cheng Professor
Computer Science Department
E&CS 3321
Office: (757) 683-7715
Research interests: Medical image computing: real-time image-to-mesh conversion and non-rigid registration; high-end scientific computing: parallel mesh generation and execution models; parallel, distributed and grid computing: runtime systems and cloud computing
Sheri Colberg-Ochs, PhD
Professor Emerita of Exercise Science
Research Professor (Self-Supported)
Human Movement Sciences Department
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
(personal web site)
Research interests: Exercise; physical activity; healthy lifestyles; diabetes (prevention and management); blood flow; neuropathy; metabolism and metabolic disorders; aging; nutrition; sports performance; etc.
Ruben M.L. Colunga-Biancatelli
Research Assistant Professor
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics​​​​​​​
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Development of new therapeutics for lung injury and lung endothelial and epithelial barrier dysfunction including modulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases and the heat shock response. Mechanisms of extracellular vesicles internalization and release during in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
David Gauthier, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
202m Mills Godwin Bldg
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Molecular biology and microbiology, diseases of aquatic organisms, with an emphasis on mycobacteriosis in finfishes.
Julie Zhili Hao, PhD
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Frank Batten College of
Engineering & Technology
Old Dominion University
Research interests: Arterial pulse signal measurements for arterial health assessment via microfluidic tactile sensors and vibration-model-based analysis; viscoelasticity measurements for tumor detection and differentiation; mechanical characterizations of soft tissues via microfluidic tactile sensors.
Barbara Hargrave, PhD
Biological Sciences
202k Mills Godwin Bldg
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Mechanisms available to the developing fetus for maintaining volume homeostasis, effects of drugs on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and cardiovascular systems of the developing fetus, etiological factors in Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in the neonate.
Jing He, PhD
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
3319 Engr and Comp Sci Bldg
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Development computational methods and tools ofr biological problems that involve molecular structures, developing the simplified representations of 3-dimensional protein structure components to reduce the computation, developing the corresponding energyfunctions using statistical approaches, and improving the optimization process using the geometrical constraints computationally extracted from the protein density.
Rachel Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor
Communication Disorders & Special Education
Darden College of Education & Professional Studies
4501 Hampton Blvd, 244 Child Study Center, Norfolk, VA 23529
Tel: 757-683-6285
Research interests: Motivation and Learning; Rehabilitation, Patient Outcome Measures, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Acquired Speech and Cognitive Disorders
Krishnanand Kaipa, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director, Collaborative Robotics and Adaptive Machines Laboratory
Old Dominion University,
Norfolk, Virginia
(757) 683-4621
Research interests: Biologically Inspired Robotics, Surgical Robotics, Human-Robot-Collaboration, Swarm Intelligence, Embodied Cognition.
Murat Kuzlu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology
211-B Kaufman Hall
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23508
Office Phone: (757) 683-4476
Fax: (757) 683-5655
Research interests: Cyber-physical systems, medical image analysis, explainable artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and embedded systems
Jiang Li, PhD
Electrical and Computer Engineering & VMASC
Old Dominion University
4750 Elkhorn Ave., ECSB 1320
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
(757) 683-6748 (office)
Research interests: Machine learning, computer-aided medical diagnosis systems, medical signal/image processing, neural network and modeling and simulation.
Roy Ogle, PhD
Professor & Chair
2118 Health Sciences Bldg
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Regenerative medicine, stem cell biology and therapy, tissue engineering, models for genetic disease, biotechnology.
Christopher Osgood, PhD
Associate Dean
College of Sciences
Old Dominion University
(757) 683-6778 (office)
(757) 683-3034 (fax) (email)
Associate Professor, Dept of Biological Sciences
Affiliated Faculty Member, Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Research interests: Impacts of nanoparticles on developing zebrafish embryos, protein-protein interaction networks for key human viruses, DNA repair and the mechanism(s) whereby ultrashort pulses are able effectively to kill melanoma cells.
Andrei Pakhomov, PhD
Executive Director
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Old Dominion University
4211 Monarch Way, Suite 300
Norfolk, VA 23508
Research interests: Effects of nanosecond electric pulses at cellular and subcellular levels, including neuromuscular stimulation, membrane permeabilization and repair, calcium activation, and cell death induction.
Olga Pakhomova, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Old Dominion University
4211 Monarch Way, Suite 300
Norfolk, VA 23508
Research interests: Cell susceptibility to pulsed electric field (PEF) treatments, including identification of the mechanisms for cell death and recovery, with particular focus on plasma membrane repair. Impact of ion channels in cell response to PEF.
Stacie Raymer, PhD
Professor and Chair of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Department of Communication Disorders & Special Education
Darden College of Education & Professional Studies
Old Dominion University
Research interests: Stroke rehabilitation, aphasia, limb apraxia, speech pathology
Daniel Russell, PhD
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
Innovation Research Park Bldg II, Suite 200
4211 Monarch Way
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23508
Office Phone: (757) 683-6016
Fax: (757) 683-4410
Research interests: Visual perception in the control of movements, use of perceptual information in rehabilitating movement disorders, coordination and control in healthy and diseased nervous systems, motor learning and neuroplasticity in rehabilitation.
Patrick Sachs, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Medical Diagnostics & Translational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
4211 Monarch Way
Suite 365
Norfolk, VA 23529
Lab: 757-683-7090
Cell: 804-647-8113
FAX: 757-683-5028
Research interests: Adult and pluripotent stem cell biology, 3-dimensional constructs for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, cellular and organismal aging, telomere biology and telomerase.
Yan Sanders, M.D.
Department of Biomedical and Translational Sciences
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University
Office: 757-446-5277
Research Interests: Epigenetic mechanisms in tissue injury repair, regeneration, aging and age-related diseases. 1) the interactions of epigenetic reader protein with histone and other transcriptional factors in aging and in lung injury/repair; 2) histone modifications in aging and fibrosis; 3) metabolic reprogramming through epigenetic mechanism; 4) DNA methylation and crosstalk with methyl-binding proteins; 5) effects of nutrient-sensor O-GlcNAc on epigenetic enzymes; 6) age-related inflammation (SASP) in diseases Â
Gymama Slaughter, PhD
Executive Director
Center for Bioelectronics
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23508
Research interests: Implantable and wearable nanobiosensors, chemical sensors, biofuel cells, biophotonics, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, micro- and nanofabrication, BioMEMS, and embedded systems.
Michael Stacey, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Frank Reidy Center for Bioelectrics
300 4211 Monarch Way
Norfolk, VA 23508
Research interests: Pathophysiology of cancer and cartilage biology
Yusuke Yamani, PhD
Associate Professor
Psychology (MGB 346X)
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Visual attention and perception, Human-automation interaction (automated driving, advanced air mobility, etc.), Eye movements, Transportation safety using driving simulation.
Xiao Yang
Assistant Professor
Department of Pyschology
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Research interests: Multi-modal electrophysiological and neuroimaging techniques for the study of physiological indicators of workload; identification of "noncognitive factors" that influence cognitive processes, and development of training programs to reduce human error and improve performance.
Graduate Program Director
Michel Audette
Associate Professor
1321 Engineering & Computer Science Building
Norfolk, VA 23529
Undergraduate Program Director
Dharmakeerthi Nawarathna
Associate Professor
2123 D Engineering Systems Building
Norfolk, VAÂ 23529