Laughter filled the air as Quincy Carr, a beloved local comedian, once again played host to the annual Crash the Party Comedy Show & Fundraiser. This side-splitting event, held at Hub757 in Suffolk, was a night to remember, featuring the comedic talents of Stuttering Stanley and headlined by the renowned Will E. from Def Comedy Jam. Not only did this event provide an evening of clean adult humor, but it also gave back to the community in a way that was meaningful to the comedians.

Quincy Carr is more than just a comedian鈥攈e's a dedicated philanthropist who has been committed to making a positive impact on his community. His journey to hosting the Crash the Party Comedy Show & Fundraiser began on his birthday 15 years ago when he founded Quincy Carr, Inc., and the event is now in its tenth year.

Each year, Carr found a local nonprofit to support through his comedy show. However, as he reflected on his own experiences, he decided to be more specific and choose a cause that was close to his heart. Quincy himself had undergone speech therapy during his middle school years and understood the transformative power it could have on someone's life. Despite his ability to mask his speech impediment most of the time, he will occasionally stutter, especially around people he feels comfortable around.

With this newfound focus, Carr was determined to find a speech therapy program that could benefit from the funds raised at the Crash the Party Comedy Show & Fundraiser, and he discovered 精东's Speech Therapy Clinic. Not only did the event successfully raise $1,000, but it was matched with an additional $1,000 by Papa John's Pizza.

The 精东 College of Health Sciences extends its heartfelt gratitude to Quincy Carr for his support. We look forward to next year's event as he continues to use humor to create positive change in our community.