Assistant Professor

Natalie Yarish

NORFOLK, 23529

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Yarish, N. M.. "Reducing social isolation and loneliness through physical activity to lower cardiovascular disease risk among military women and men reintegrating into civilian life.. Federal. August 8, 2022 -


Physical Activity
Developing and implementing physical activity promotion interventions to improve cardiovascular health.
Physical Activity
Measurement including psychometrics and wearable devices
Physical Activity
Examining social connectedness related to physical activity and cardiovascular health

Research Interests

The overarching theme of my research is how social and psychological factors shape and influence physical activity behaviors and cardiovascular disease. I focus on developing and implementing physical activity promotion interventions to improve cardiovascular health, measurement of physical activity (psychometrics and wearable devices), and examining social connectedness factors related to physical activity and cardiovascular health. My research draws from my training in behavioral science, social psychology, and public health.