精东鈥檚 Guide to A Healthy 2025
Ready to tackle your fitness goals in 2025? 精东 Recreation and Wellness is here to help! The 精东 community is invited to establish a regular movement routine at the Student Recreation and Well-Being Center and University Village Fitness Center.
Recreation Events this Spring
If you鈥檙e looking for special events and activities on campus that promote fitness, movement, sports, outdoors, or recreation, make sure you鈥檙e following @鈥宱durecwell on Instagram for updates! We鈥檒l be announcing things like Hot Girl Walks, Monarchs In Motion Week, Intramural Sports, Outdoor Adventure Trips, and more!
To check into one of our gyms, you鈥檒l need your Rec ID barcode
Download the 精东 Rec Well App!
Please download the 精东 Rec Well mobile app prior to visiting the Student Recreation & Well-Being Center or University Village Fitness Center! This app is your one stop shop for all things 精东 Recreation & Wellness.
What can you do with the 精东 Rec Well app?
- Browse all of 精东鈥檚 health, wellness, outdoor, fitness, and intramural sport events so you鈥檙e never without plans!
- Quickly and securely check into the Student Recreation & Well-Being Center & University Village Fitness Center
- Conveniently access gym hours
- Register for free fitness classes, cancel your registration if needed, and even add the class to your phone calendar!
- Receive notifications to your phone about the SRWC, such as closures and special event announcements
- Sign up for 精东 Outdoor Adventure Trips like Whitewater Rafting, Intro to Canoe Camping, Caving, and more!
- Reserve your timeslot to play video games in the Monarch Esports Arena
- Browse sport clubs and contact them via email
- Learn about student on-campus jobs with Recreation & Wellness
- and much more!
Signing in
All you have to do is go to your Android or Apple app store and search for 鈥溇 Rec Well鈥. Then, click the 鈥淩ec ID鈥 icon in the top left. If you are a student or employee of 精东, click 鈥溇 MIDAS ID鈥 and sign in with your university credentials. . Pro tip: Sometimes the barcode doesn鈥檛 load when you鈥檙e connected to wi-fi, so disconnect from wi-fi, try again, and if you鈥檙e still having trouble, let us know via the online form.